blackjack table with chips and a queen of hearts and ace of spades

How to Become a Great Blackjack Player by Working on the Peripherals

Everyone knows that blackjack and video poker are the top two games of skill at Everygame Casino online.  A lot of gamers like to play baccarat, Caribbean poker, three card rummy, and other games as well.  Blackjack players also know that as a game of skill blackjack has characteristics that are different than the characteristics of slots, roulette, craps, and even Banana Jones to name a few games of chance.

For many gamers at Everygame Casino, the online casino no deposit bonus keep what you win casino, blackjack is a welcome respite from the games of chance. Still, the more often gamers play blackjack, the more they tend to like it.  Here are some ideas for making one a better blackjack player.

Follow the Best Strategy

Blackjack players know that they need to follow the best strategy in order to win.  They know that the game is almost even between the house and the player if the player follows the best strategy on every hand.  The house doesn’t have to follow any strategy at all since the dealer’s actions are strictly dictated by the rules. 

So, aside from the luck factor, the eventual outcome of a session of blackjack is entirely in the hands of the player!  So, two questions cone to mind:

  1. What are the characteristics of a great blackjack player?
  2. Can any of these characteristics be learned and perfected or are they inborn?

The quick answers are: there are quite a few characteristics of great blackjack players and, to a large extent, they are also the characteristics of successful people in general and they can be learned and perfected.  As to those characteristics that are truly inborn, you can still become a great businessperson or musician even if you weren’t born with every characteristic top performers need to be successful.

Let’s take a look at some of the characteristics of top blackjack players.

Blackjack Players Enjoy Games of Skill

There are many games of skill such as chess, checkers, Sudoku, and many others.  Top blackjack players enjoy these games.  They might also enjoy playing games that are much more games of luck.  Enjoying playing a game of luck with a special friend or with one’s kids or grandkids is also a characteristic of successful people.

So, there are two components to this single characteristic: successful blackjack players tend to play games of skill and they also enjoy games of luck in special circumstances.


What Else Do Top Blackjack Players Enjoy?

  1. They enjoy reading over watching television but they also like to watch television.
  2. They don’t play hunches.  They like to analyze situations and have an analytical mind.
  3. They are very good at money management.
  4. They can study for long periods of time without getting bored.
  5. They study blackjack in the same way that a musician repeats the scales for the thousandth time.
  6. As students of the game, they know that true excellence takes time and patience.
  7. They like to plan ahead.
  8. Are faithful people.  They have a faithful attitude towards numbers and statistics.
  9. These people are able to find a happy equilibrium between being book smart and street smart.
  10. They have true self-confidence not the kind of fake self-confidence a lot of YouTube poker players show.
  11. They have a down to Earth attitude toward the game in the same way that Daniel Negreanu has a down to Earth approach to poker.
  12. They have trained themselves to control their emotions.
  13. They can let a very unlucky loss slide off their backs.
  14. They have such strong powers of concentration that they are not easily distracted.
  15. They never, ever use a betting system.
  16. They are realistic and understand that luck plays a big part in blackjack even though it is essentially a game of skill.
  17. They channel their inner poker player and know when to hold’em and know when to fold’em.  In other words, they quit while they are ahead and quit while they are behind if it is time to stop playing.
  18. They are people people and can deflect any unpleasantness which often comes to blackjack players at land-based casinos who play using top strategy rather than the fall back strategy of standing with 12 or more points always.
  19. They have to care.

Let’s take a closer look as space permits.

Reading versus Watching

In short, top blackjack players and successful people in general are very well balanced in their professional and private lives.  They like to read, study, and learn and they also like to stream shows on television.  This means that they live as unobsessively as possible.

People who have a tendency to being obsessive can overcome it to a large extent.  It takes time, patience, and practice.  It takes putting oneself in situations that they might obsess about like the shoes in Monica’s apartment.

Good Blackjack Players Don’t Get Bored

There are ways to prevent boredom.  One excellent way is simply to set a reasonable time limit on blackjack sessions.  Another is to take breaks and stretch, walk around, make some coffee, or switch the laundry.

In short, successful people have many things they like to do or have to do and blackjack is just one of many things they like to do.  These people are too busy to get bored; they simply don’t have the time!

Planning Ahead

This is another example in the equilibrium side of life.  These people plan their blackjack sessions from when they will play, to when they will stop, to which variation of blackjack they will play, to their bet size.  When they are on vacation they like to plan ahead: where they will sleep, for instance.

But if they have the time to just wing it when on vacation they are comfortable doing that, too!


We don’t necessarily mean faithful in a traditionally religious sense although many blackjack players are religious.  We mean faithful to reality.  The statistics that tell players when to stand, when to hit, and so forth are true, and faithfulness leads players to follow the reality.

Unsuccessful players play their hunches.  It might be fun to do so but it is very hard to win at blackjack if you are playing your hunches.

Never Use a Betting System

Every betting system is based on faulty logic.  Most systems tell players to raise their bets if they lose until they win.  The classic system says to double the bet after a loss.  This way of playing can lead to very serious losses if a player has a few losses in a row.

Let’s say that you are betting $5 to start.  If you double your bet after every loss and lose five hands in a row, you will have to bet $160 on the next hand.  If you win, you get $160 but in the five hands you lost, you lost $5, $10, $20, $40, and $80 for a total of $155 in losses.  In other words, a string of consecutive losses in this example will leave the player with terrible “pot odds” to borrow a term from poker.

You Have to Care

In “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, Robert Pirsig begins the book with a discussion of just caring.  He cared for his gloves so much that he would restitch them rather than discard them and buy a new pair!

A successful person and a successful blackjack payer cares deeply about maintaining the skill level they have reached and about becoming better all the time.

Join Everygame Casino

Everygame Casino Red wishes everyone a great New Year.  Certainly 2021 will be better than 2020 was!  After all, we are due!

If you have not yet joined Everygame Casino do so NOW.  We offer over 300 great games including many variations of blackjack.  Let Everygame Casino be the conduit for your journey to blackjack success!