The Everygame Casino no deposit bonus tops off the Welcome Package. Because a no deposit bonus requires….NO DEPOSIT, gamers often overlook that the deposit bonuses are also free money in the sense that gamers add a huge amount of money to their bankroll by taking the Welcome Packages deposit bonuses!

Gamers at Everygame Casino Can Access Bonuses Worth Thousands Every Month

How Does the Welcome Package Work?

Before we give you all of the details about the Welcome Package, we want to focus on two very important aspects of these bonuses and, actually, on all of the bonuses we here at Everygame Online Casino offer regularly.

They are:

  1. The size of the bonus should ALWAYS dictate the maximum size of any deposit.
  2. The percentage of the bonus should ALWAYS factor into a gamer’s decision whether or not to accept a deposit bonus.

In Bonuses, Size DOES Matters

Let’s take the first of the four deposit bonuses that make up the Welcome Package at Everygame Casino. It is a 125% bonus for up to $1000. To get the full bonus, a gamer need deposit only $800.

The advice given above would man here that the gamer should not deposit more than $800. If a gamer wants to deposit more than $800, they can wait until they can accept the second deposit bonus in the Welcome Package.

This advice applies to all deposit bonus offers here at Everygame, of which there are always many.

The Bonus Percentage Will Often Tell Gamers if the Bonus is Worth Taking

Here are the bonus percentages for the four deposit bonuses that make up the Welcome Package:

  1. 125%
  2. 150%
  3. 125%
  4. 150%

These all mean that you will increase your bankroll by more than the deposit at every stage of the Welcome Package. A bonus percentage above 100% is a great percentage. In all of our promotions, we try to keep the bonus percentages high and we often add free spins to a promotion.

Now We Can Give You the Details about the Welcome Package

Here are the happy details. Keep in mind, that the Welcome package, in total, can get as high as $5555!

  1. The first deposit bonus is for 125% up to $1000.
  2. Next is a bonus of 150% up to $1500.
  3. Next is a bonus of 125% up to $1000.
  4. The final deposit bonus is for 150% up to $2000.
  5. Then we add a $55 no deposit bonus.

What Can a Gamer Do with a $55 No Deposit Bonus?

A no deposit bonus will always be much smaller than a deposit bonus because the gamer puts no money down. We always tell new gamers to use the no deposit bonus to cruise the casino. You can play a lot of games with $55 given that you will win a substantial percentage of the money back.

The ability of any gamer to check out hundreds of games here at Everygame Casino is just about the most striking difference between online casino gaming and playing at a land-based casino. Land-basers tend to stick with one or possibly two games. They do this because they don’t want to give up a seat even to use the restroom!

Online gamers have the freedom to roam around the casino, sampling this game and that game. It is like shopping for clothes. A shopper can try out as many dresses, pants, tops, or whatever they are looking for. Who would shop at a store with one pair of pants, one top or shirt, one dress and so on?


Blackjack Tables Take up a Lot of Casino Floor Space

A land-based casino might have just one blackjack table. A really big one might have two. We offer many variations of blackjack since we don’t have any tables!

No blackjack player at Everygame Casino has had to wait for a chair at the table that doesn’t exist. We also don’t have chairs! Our gamers bring their own chairs! In today’s online casino gaming world, mobile has become so popular that many gamers’ “chair” is their comfortable sofa or bed!

Finally, in blackjack, we pay 3-2 for a blackjack, as we should. A lot of land-based casinos have taken to paying 6-5 for a blackjack, which they shouldn’t.

Everygame Casino Offers Many Promotions

The Welcome Package is just the start of gamers’ fun ride through Everygame Casino! When you have completed the wagering requirement for the Welcome Package, you will be able to choose from the New Game Promotion to the Game of the Month promotion to any other promotion our promotions team may have thought up.

Comp Points Grow and Grow

While you are perusing the casino with your no deposit and deposit bonuses, you will be accumulating comp points which are simply points you get for playing for real money.

You don’t get comp points when you use our free play option but the free play option is extremely valuable for gamers who want to learn about EVERY GAME at Everygame and also want to conserve money.

There is a supe irony involved in the comp points that land-based casinos give away. The irony is that it takes some time to get enough points to redeem them for casino credits. At Everygame, gamers who play a few hours per week will in a short time get enough comp points that they can redeem them.

At land-based casinos, very few players can accumulate enough comp points to redeem them during their long weekend at the casino. So, these accumulated comp points sit in a drawer at the player’s house. If they never go back to that casino, the comp points will never be redeemed!

A Final Word about No Deposit Bonuses

We recently wrote a long article about no deposit bonuses in real life. These are generally activities people can do with zero to very low cost. Taking a walk is a no deposit bonus. Going to the beach to watch the sunrise or sunset is a no deposit bonus.

Some bonuses do have a cost attached to them but in many cases the cost is an accepted part of the activity. Once a cost has been determined and decided upon, the actual activity can be a no deposit bonus.

For example, let’s say that you live in the Midwest United States and you decide to take a long weekend road trip with friends and each person agrees to put up a given sum of money for the trip. Once the trip is decided upon, the details of the trip all become a kind of no deposit bonus.

Thus, if it is bird migrating season, you can spend a couple of hours at Horicon simply admiring the tens of thousands of birds there - what a bonus to the trip!

Everygame Casino Offers Great “Excursions”

Combine our huge number of games, our many promotions, the ease with which gamers can deposit and withdraw funds, the great articles we publish every week and so much more, choosing to play here at Everygame is also a kind of no deposit bonus!