Online casino gaming here at Everygame Casino is called gaming because all of the excitement lies in the games.  Of course, safe banking is absolutely important and we use the best encryption software to achieve the utmost safety and security in banking and privacy.

a white-haired older couple blowing bubbles in the park

Great promotions that include deposit bonuses and free spins are also important and we always run a number of promotions.  New gamers here at Everygame Casino Classic start off with our Welcome Package that can rise to the dizzying height of $5555!

Still, getting down to the nitty-gritty of online casino gaming we are left with the simple fun of playing games and of getting into sports betting at Everygame Sportsbook.

Try any and all of our four great gaming venues under the Everygame rubric.  There are Everygame Casino Red (us), Everygame Casino Classic, Everygame Sportsbook, and Everygame Poker.  Each site specializes in its own niche and provides excitement, entertainment, challenging decisions, and simply GREAT FUN!

Let’s Try to Understand Fun

Here are two quotes about the importance of fun:

  • Tom Giaquinto:  “Sometimes you just have to jump in a mud puddle because it’s there. Never get so old that you forget about having fun.”
  • Jonathan Heatt:  “I had too much fun was no one’s last regret ever.”

Do I Have Enough Time to Have Fun?

One reason people have less fun than they should is that they think they don’t have the time.  This is one of the most important aspects of online casino gaming here at Everygame Casino Classic.  We encourage gamers to set time limits on their casino gaming.

As much fun as playing casino games can be, there are also many other ways to have fun.  On the other hand, if you feel encumbered by responsibilities that can range from folding the laundry to working on a work project, a 30-60 minute interlude doing something that is inherently fun will give you the mental and emotional strength to go ahead with the activity that your sense of responsibility tells you to do.

Our offer is to have fun gaming at our casino!

Does Fun Have to Big and Awesome?

Our contention is that a lot of fun can be very quiet.  Reading the classics can be a lot of fun for some and it is a very quiet activity.  Planning a trip can also be fun.  There is a cliché that says that getting there is half the fun.

Land-based casinos go on the opposite premise: that it has to be big and spectacular to attract people.  It could be that land-based casinos have little to offer in addition to what online casinos provide aside from the bells, whistles, whooping, and hollering, bright lights and free alcohol.

We All Know Intuitively that Fun Can be Very Quiet

Fun can be quiet and it can come in small doses.  Many adults in advanced years can still remember the first time their father or mother took them to a sporting event.  American kids remember the sight of the baseball field that very first time.  Other kids remember the first time they saw a soccer field, a hockey rink, or a basketball court.

We suspect that no adult remembers nostalgically the first time their mother or father took them to a land-based casino.

Robert Pirsig Talked about Fun

We have referred to Robert Pirsig’s amazing book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” many times in different contexts.  Here we refer to Mr. Pirsig’s take on fun and boredom.  In this context, he calls fun “quality” which is the philosophical key to his entire system.

When we are bored, we need to look for activities that are of a high quality.

Finding Fun Takes us out of Ourselves

A lot of people are too serious for their own good.  Fun makes people smile.  It makes us laugh.  When we smile and laugh, we are actually exposing ourselves.  Many people who do not seek fun do so because they feel too emotionally exposed when they do smile and laugh.

Online casino gaming can and should be a benign activity that puts a smile on gamers’ faces.  This is especially true when an online gamer plays on his or her mobile device wrapped up on the sofa or in bed with that special someone!


It Can Be Fun to Turn a Chore into a Fun Activity

In English, we have the terms chore and hobby.  What is a chore to one person may very well be another person’s hobby.  If washing the dishes can never be considered a hobby, it also doesn’t have to be a chore if we look for ways to make it fun.

This brings us back to Robert Pirsig’s approach to quality moments.

Make 100 Activities Fun

One of the great things about a vacation is that it usually takes us far from our daily routines.  Well, we can incorporate many of the happy moments from a great vacation into our daily lives right here!  This idea calls for a list!  Here it is:

  1. Strike up a conversation with a stranger.
  2. Go to a different house of worship than the one you usually go to.
  3. Go to a house of worship even if you haven’t entered one in many years.
  4. Take a walk.  Every time you take a walk, change the route.
  5. Go through your closets and drawers and dispose of things you no longer need.
  6. Play a game in the park.
  7. Ask a stranger for a date.
  8. Play your favorite musical instrument for a few minutes every day.
  9. Learn ten words of a foreign language every day.
  10. Cook or bake exotic fare from a recipe.

Let’s look at these activities in a little depth.

Develop the Gift of Gab

Many people think that it’s weird to just start talking to a stranger.  It can be.  But in the right moment, and there are many such right moments every day, striking up a conversation is not weird.  Conversation is one of the essential aspects of being a person and there is a lot of fun in simply talking.

Going to a House of Worship is Not the Same as Praying

What happens in a church or synagogue may be prayer but there is also a lot of simple human interaction there.  If you normally attend the services in one house of worship, attending another can be a fun change of pace.

This may apply even more to someone who hasn’t gone to church in a long time.


We can add bicycle riding here but not swimming.  The idea behind walking aside from the good exercise is the chance to say good morning to people you don’t know.  Fun can be a rollicking good time and it can also be the quiet hellos we say and hear on a morning walk.

Taking out Things that are Cluttering up Your Home

A lot of people keep things that they don’t need.  Decluttering is a good thing to do every year but when you approach it as fun activity, it becomes a fun activity!  You don’t have to throw things away.  There are always resale shops that will be happy to take your stuff!

Playing a Game in the Park

In many cities large and small there are people playing chess, checkers, or backgammon in the park. Play and the people of the park will play with you.

Would You Like to Get a Cup of Coffee?

Asking someone for a date is reserved to unmarried people.  There is nothing weird about asking someone for a date if you approach it respectfully and don’t make it seem like you are hitting on them.

Music and Language

You may never be able to play Rhapsody in Blue or speak another language fluently but there is real value in playing a musical instrument for a few minutes and learning a few new words every day.

And, Finally, We Get to Feeding the Belly of the Beast

Instead of reheating a frozen dinner, going to a restaurant, ordering take out for delivery, how about doing the cooking yourself.  It is usually fun after a while!  This goes for baking, too.

Gaming at Everygame Casino Classic is Fun from the Start

We make it easy to play over 300 great online casino games.  We are a safe casino since we use the best encryption software to guard your money ad your privacy.  We offer a Welcome Package worth up to $5555 to new gamers.