We hope you didn’t stay tricked too long as this headline is a trick headline!  At Everygame Casino, we offer gaming at two casino gaming platforms.  We will keep the suspense up until we are ready to reveal the third platform!

A section of keyboard with words online casino on a key with blue, red, and green casino chips on the keyboard

Download to the Dustbin of History

At one time, this was the only gaming platform available to online casino gamers.  A download takes up a lot of space on one’s hard drive.  As a result, we all looked for other ways to play and the next platform created millions of online casino gamers!  For the benefit of gamers, and recognizing gamers' desires, we are actually fazing out the download option.

Instant Play Was a Great Boon to Gamers

Instant Play means that gamers can play at any online casino directly on their internet server.  Instant Play eliminates the need to download.  The only disadvantage of Instant Play is if the internet server is either weak, inconsistent, or goes down.

A power outage affects Instant Play in the same way that it affects gamers’ connection to their computer.  In the "olde" days, a gamer might have had Everygame Casino downloaded to their hard drive but with a power outage, they can’t open their computer in any case!

Instant Play Has Created Stronger Competition among Online Casinos

As with chess problems online, we invite you to pause the “video” while you try to figure out how Instant Play has created more competition among online casinos.

Okay, we are back.  The reason Instant Play has created such strong competition is that as long as a gamer is on his or her internet server, they can access any online casino that runs on Instant Play!

Here at Everygame Casino, we recognize the ability of gamers to go from casino to casino so we have tried to offer more than other online casinos offer.  This is at least as good for gamers as it is good for us.  We stay on our toes and always strive to get better and gamers benefit from the ever-improving Everygame Casino!

How Does Everygame Casino Continue to Improve?

First, we have a large selection of games.  We get a new slot every month from SpinLogic, or exclusive game provider.  We run a promotion for that slot that includes a sizable deposit bonus plus free spins on the new slot.

It is important to note that online casinos compete with each other in terms of the size and rules regarding bonuses.  This portends well for gamers.

We also can carry many variations of games that a land-based casino doesn’t have space for.  This is especially true in blackjack where most land-based casinos may have two blackjack tables that can accommodate 14 players at the same time.  We can accommodate as many players as wish to play blackjack at the same time and we offer several variations of blackjack as well.

Everygame Offers Excellent Promotions

We run several promotions all the time.  Some promotions last a month.  When these promotions expire, we replace them with something else.  A common promotion is the deposit bonus.

We have said this before in different articles but it bears saying again: the bonus rate is a very important aspect of the bonus.  We offer bonus rates that can reach 200%!

At this stage, to recap, we have talked about downloading the casino to our computer’s hard drive.  Downloading is no longer a possibility - soon to be shut down.  We have spoken about Instant Play which led to a diversion on how we respond to competition generated by Instant Play.

Everygame Offers Excellent Gaming Advice

We have an extensive library of in-house articles such as this one that deliver insights, strategies, how-tos, and great advice!


Take a Walk on the Mobile Side

Now we shall turn to the elephant in the room: Mobile gaming platforms.  Mobile devices used to be “real” elephants!  They were big, heavy, clumsy, clunky, and cumbersome.  The digital technology that we have come to take for granted today did not even exist when mobile communication began!

Today mobile is the most popular, by far, casino gaming platform.  The tech has been excellent for some time now and gets better all the time.  Way back when, all mobile games were reformatted from games that had been developed for desktop screens.  Now game providers develop games for mobile screens.

Mobile Gaming Delivers Comfort and Convenience

When you can play all curled up on the sofa or in bed, the gaming is more enjoyable.  Since we have stated that we wish all gamers would see gaming as a form of entertainment, we find that mobile gaming creates a mood that leads to gaming as entertainment.

Romance and the Mobile Gaming Platform

Many gamers find that there is something quite romantic about curling up on the sofa or in bed with one’s significant other.  Instant Play gives gamers the chance to go from one game to another quickly, instantly, and seamlessly.

Thus, a couple can spin a few slots that tickle their fancy and then segue to a game that features dinosaurs!  All in good fun.

The Secret Third Casino Gaming Platform Revealed

We tried to tease you at the beginning by not listing the third casino gaming platform.  The time has come for us to reveal it: it is none other than land-based casinos.

We saved this discussion for last because the three platforms we have spoken about make online casino gaming superior to land-based casino gaming in many ways.

  1. Online casinos have unlimited space while land-based casinos are restricted by their very walls.
  2. Everygame Casino can carry games that land-based casinos cannot spare the floor space for.  We mentioned blackjack as an example.
  3. We can have thousands of gamers play the same game at the same time.  Good luck with that at a land-based casino.
  4. Online gaming lends itself to frequent, short sessions while land-based casinos are based on players who come for a day or two and spend hours upon hours on the casino floor.
  5. Mobile gaming has become the lifeblood of online casinos.  Mobile gaming is so pervasive in the online casino market that many land-based casinos have introduced a mobile casino platform for their hotel patrons!
  6. Everygame casino offers deposit bonuses at high bonus rates and free spins.  Land-based casinos cannot offer deposit bonuses because very few players could complete the wagering requirement by the end of their stay at the casino.
  7. Online gaming is more romantic than playing in front of hundreds of strangers and pretending that you and your partner are alone.

Let Marshall McLuhan Have the Last Word

Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian philosopher and social observer who spoke about how the medium is the message.” In terms of our discussion, the development of better online gaming platforms delivers the message that online casino gaming represents the future of casino gaming and all for the better.

Everygame Casino is dedicated to delivering the best medium possible for the message to be delivered happily and well.