This is going to start out as a very odd and interesting talk.  Even though Everygame Casino carries both American and European Roulette, we encourage gamers to play only European Roulette!  In other words, the one Everygame Casino roulette variation that we recommend is the European Roulette version.  Our edge in European Roulette is half of what our edge is in American Roulette.

a young man with a short beard playing roulette online on a very large screen

Why is That the Case?

Simply, it is because American Roulette has both a 0 and a 00 while European Roulette has only a single 0.  This “minor” difference doubles the house edge in American Roulette!

Why Does Everygame Carry American Roulette?

That is the most salient question going forward!   The reason is that American gamers who have come to Everygame from the world of land-based casinos prefer playing American Roulette for reasons unknown.  American Roulette is the only variation of roulette at American casinos.

Land-based casinos don’t have room for another roulette table.  They also need all the revenue they can get since they have such massive operating costs.  So, they overwhelmingly prefer to offer only American Roulette.

How Many Numbers Can Gamers Bet on in Roulette?

The roulette table has three long rows of 12 numbers each and 12 short rows of three numbers each.  Looking at the table, the numbers go from 1 to 36 starting at the bottom left row and then returning to the bottom of the next row to run the next three numbers and so on.

Thus, if a player wants to bet on just three numbers, they have 12 options.  They can’t choose any three numbers to bet on.  The same applies to betting on two, four, six numbers, and so on.

So, in roulette, players can bet on one, two, three, four, five, six, 12, and 18 numbers.  They just can’t choose exactly which numbers to bet on.

Players bet by putting a chip on the square that contains a number, on the line between numbers, on a point that joins numbers, on a column of numbers or on the red, black, odd, even, first 12, second 12, third 12, columns of 12 numbers, or first 18 or second 18 numbers.

This is all quite a lot to process in a short period of time.  Here are two tips we have for European Roulette players.

  1. Take your time to look at the table and understand the many different bets offered in roulette.
  2. If you need some practice at no risk, play in free play mode for a short time to get used to betting in roulette.

How Do Most Players Bet in Roulette?

Players bet all over the gamut of possible bets.  The one thing to keep in mind at all times is that there are contradictory bets.  If you make contradictory bets, you will possibly win one and lose the other.

The most common bets are the so-called even money bets of odd-even; black-red; or first 18-second 18 numbers.

There are two main reasons why players make these bets most often.

  1. These bets maximize the fun of playing roulette while minimizing the risk.
  2. These bets make it possible to use a betting system.

We agree that making the so-called even money bets do maximize the fun of the game while minimizing the risk.  By the way, the existence of the 0 means that there are no true even-money bets in roulette.  But, okay.  Players can pretend that there are even money bets in roulette.

We disagree strongly with the temptation many players have about using a betting system.  These systems DO NO WORK!  If they did, all casinos would be bankrupt in short order!


Why Do Betting Systems Not Work?

They do not take into account the inevitable short losing streak and the stress a short losing streak will have on the average player’s bankroll if he or she is using a betting system.

The most famous betting system is the Martingale System.  Let’s assume an initial $5 bet.  This bet loses so the player doubles the bet the next time and wins.  Sounds reasonable and, if you do the math, you see that after winning the second bet, the player is ahead $5!

Now let’s see what happens if the player has a five-spin losing streak.

  1. The first bet is $5.                           The bet loses.
  2. The second bet is $10.                     The bet loses.
  3. The third bet is $20.                         The bet loses.
  4. The fourth bet is $40.                       The bet loses.

At this point, it is clear that the player would have to make an $80 in order to win just $5.  Who would do that?  But let’s go the full five-spin losing streak.  The fifth bet is $80 and it loses.  Now the player is faced with a $160 bet in order to win $5!!

Make this a mantra since there are a lot of people selling sham betting systems: BETTING SYSTEMS DO NOT WORK!

The Fascinating History of Roulette

In the 17th century, when mathematics, physics, and invention were all in their infancy, it was possible for a single brilliant man to be at once an inventor, a mathematician, and a physicist.  Blaise Pascal was such a man and in 1655, he set out to invent a perpetual motion machine.

He failed to produce such a machine but he did invent the prototype roulette wheel.  No one at the time knew that he had invented a great casino game!

The roulette wheel did not have 0 until the middle of the 19th century.  The house always had a slight edge since payouts were less than the statistical probabilities of any outcome.  This helped casinos pay their bills.

The 0 was added to help generate revenue for the small principality of Monaco, where Monte Carlo is.  Coincidentally, gambling became illegal in France at the same time that the casino in Monte Carlo received the roulette wheel.

The 00 was added to roulette when the game made its way to North America.

Online Roulette Relies on a Kind of Perpetual Motion Machine

Well, not really!

Since all online games are digital, they rely on the random number generator which is software that runs all the time, as in perpetual motion.  It “stops” a very precise number of seconds after the game starts.    The RNG does not truly stop; it displays the result.

Technically, a perpetual motion machine would continue running forever without an outside source of energy.  What the outside source of energy for the universe is, is a question for theologians and physicists.  But clearly, the RNG generator is not a perpetual motion machine.

Everygame Casino Offers Gamers More Than 300 Great Reasons to Play

This is the number of games we offer, roulette being just one.  Where else can gamers get many variations of blackjack and video poker plus other phenomenal table games such as Caribbean Poker and Pai Gow Poker plus three-card games and always remember to play Banana Jones!