Casino gaming at Everygame Casino or at any other reputable online casino or at any reliable land-based casino involves placing bets on the outcomes of games.  Everyone knows that the house has an edge in almost all games.  The house edge might be very small as in video poker or blackjack when the gamer uses the best strategy on every hand.

small white cubes with arrows pointing forward and then the cubes avoid a mistake and change direction

The house edge can be quite large as in Keno if the player chooses more than four numbers or the player takes insurance in blackjack.  These are poor bets even though they look good.

So, let’s look at some of the most significant mistakes casino players make.  We will concentrate, of course, on online casino gaming but we will also have a few things to say about land-based casino play.

Gaming is a Form of Entertainment

Everything else we talk about in terms of gaming mistakes derives from the most important mistake which is seeing gaming as something other than entertainment.

Entertainment is a very important part of the human experience.  There are thousands of articles on this subject that anyone can access through a simple online search.  Everyone has his or her favorite forms of entertainment.  While some like to watch sports others prefer to read or listen to music.

There is no single best form of entertainment.  However, everyone understands that entertainment comes at a cost.  A book costs money.  A streaming service costs money.  Field glasses for bird watching cost money.  Concert tickets or tickets to sporting events cost money.

All of these “costs” are well-understood and accepted by people since they “buy” entertainment.  The same idea applies to online casino gaming.  We shall see how the money gamers wager at Evergame Casino and at other good online casinos, has to be seen as the “cost” of entertainment.

Sound Time and Money Management are Priorities One and Two in Online Casino Gaming

Good time and money management go hand in hand.   The mistake so many land-based players and some online players make is to not fully understand the importance of online casino gaming as entertainment.

Entertainment at Online Casinos Versus at Land-based Casinos

Here, at the very outset, are possibly the most important ways that online casino gaming differs from land-based casino gambling.  Online casinos are available every day whenever a gamer wants to play.  As a result, it is a lot easier for a player online to budget his or her time.  Short, frequent sessions are common at Everygame Casino but are rare indeed at land-based casinos.

Why would anyone travel to a land-based casino at substantial cost just to play for an hour or so?

Online Casino Gaming is So Much More Flexible than Land-based Casino Play

We cannot underestimate the importance of the synergy between availability and time management.  Online casino gamers can budget 30-60 minutes a few times a week to play their favorite online casino games.  This is virtually impossible at a land-based casino.

Easy time management plus relatively easy money management make online play gaming while, in contrast, land-based casino players are gambling.  Land-based players play too long, play when they are tired, when they are hungry, need a bathroom break, have had too much free alcohol, and so on, making many other mistakes so that any vestiges of gaming have long since segued into gambling.


Online Casinos Offer Great Promotions

Here at Evergame Casino, we run many promotions that entail excellent deposit bonuses and sometimes free spins.  Land-based casinos cannot offer bonuses since very few players at a land-based casino could fulfill the wagering requirement in the short time they will be at the casino.

Online casino gamers can complete the wagering requirement at their own pace, be it in a week, a month, or longer.

Bonus Size and Bonus Rate

We have established that online casinos offer bonuses and at times free spins.  The mistake some online gamers make is to not avail themselves of these great bonus offers.  The Welcome Package at Everygame Casino is for up to $5555!  This is our money that gamers can play with!

We offer bonuses in other promotions and those bonuses come with free spins.

The bonus size is one side of the entire bonus edifice.  The bonus rate is another.  We offer rates in excess of 100% for bonuses.  This means that our gamers here at Everygame Casino can more than double the money they have to play our casino games with.

Play All of Our Games

Land-based casino gamblers tend to play one or two games even over the course of a long weekend at the casino.  This is because they would have to give up their seat at one terminal to play at another terminal and they don’t generally like to do that.

Terminals, even for the most popular games, are in short supply at land-based casinos.  There is no maximum number of gamers who can play a single game at Everygame Casino even if they all want to play that game at the same time!

The upshot of this simple fact is that it is easy for any gamer here at Everygame to play all of our games over time.  This flexibility increases the fun of gaming online and also increases the entertainment value of online casino gaming.

Casino Games Differ from Each Other in at Least One Significant Way

Slots are still the most popular game here at Everygame and slots differ dramatically from blackjack and video poker.  Slots are the classic game of chance while blackjack and vide poker are games of strategy.  Land-based gamblers usually do not mix strategy with chance while that is eminently possible at Everygame Online Casino.

Online gamers simply can have more fun by playing a wider assortment of games.  It is a mistake to eschew playing that wide assortment of games when you are gaming at Everygame Casino.

Playing Many Different Games Means Learning the Rules for Each of Those Games

We can offer free play while a gamer samples a game that he or she has never played before.  It may very well be a mistake to play a new game for real money before you know the rules well.

Following Any Betting System is a Big Mistake

In simple terms, betting systems do not work.  If any betting system did work over the long run, all casinos, both online and land-based, would have long ago shut their doors!  Our advice to all gamers is: learn the rules, play moderately, bet moderately, enjoy gaming as fun entertainment, accept bonus and free spin offers, and have fun!