Here we are talking about gaming in general including playing the 300 and more games here at Everygame Red Casino. Simply playing games has many beneficial effects. Before we get to that happy part of this article, we would like to address what some people see as a drawback to gaming.
Do Some People Play Too Much?
We would have to say yes. Just as some people drive too fast, eat too much, drink too much, exercise too little, watch too much television, and so on, some people may be prone to playing too many games.
This applies to video games, casino games, online word games, and any kind of game. Casino games are singled out because people play them for real money. This is called gambling. Our response is that we have long said that gamers should turn gambling into gaming so that the betting aspect of casino gaming is secondary to the fun and entertainment side of gaming.
We also offer free play if you want to play without making any bets.
How Can a Gamer Avoid the Pitfall of Too Much?
In many articles, we extol the virtues of setting time and monetary budgets on casino gaming. This is a lot easier to do at an online casino such as Everygame Red Casino since you can play whenever you like so there is no real incentive to play too long at any one session.
A time budget should take all of your other commitments and responsibilities into consideration. A monetary budget should be realistic and fair so that you never get overextended financially. And, we already mentioned free play.
It may be difficult for some people to limit video gaming, streaming, and so on but most people are able to do so. We conclude that there is no inherent drawback to online casino gaming.
Stand up and Go for a Walk
Another argument against gaming is that it leads to a very sedentary lifestyle. The solution to this problem is to set a goal of walking at least 10,000 steps every day. This will get you up and out so that you don’t get bogged down gaming. Walking, swimming, bicycle riding, and many other physical activities are a great way to segue from gaming to feeding the body with healthy physical activity.
There are Many Inherent Benefits to Playing Games
In addition to the benefits of physical activity, gaming has been linked to many healthy brain activities, as well. Playing games can be exercise for the brain.
Scientists are studying the mental effects of playing games. To a certain degree, the beneficial results depend on the type of game a person plays. Cerebral games like chess, checkers, SET, and many others are better for the brain than simple games of luck. But even playing games of luck has benefits.
Games Bring People Together
When a few people play a board game, assuming that they play for fun and not especially to win, they produce a healthy camaraderie among themselves. This affects the brain in very positive ways.
Parents who play with their kids usually have kids who are more stable and well-rounded. Kids need to learn how to play for fun. How to be a happy gamer even when they lose.
In poker terms, when a player cannot handle a bad beat, he is said to be on tilt. Imagine if everyone were to go on tilt whenever they lost a game. Fortunately, the number of people who tilt is relatively small. That is owing, at least in part, to healthy gaming.
Grandparents can attest to the fact that playing with their grandchildren is one of the unsung pleasures in life. We know a couple who play games with their young grandchildren and play according to the kids’ rules, not the rules rules.
Games Increase Cognitive Function
These days everyone is conscious of the possibility of losing cognitive function. The language has even invented a term ─ senior moment ─ to indicate an older person forgetting something or otherwise having a glitch in their cognitive function. Playing games has been shown to reduce, lessen, or delay losses of cognitive function. This is still a very new field of research but we feel that it is safe to say that playing games is a very good thing to do.
Variety is the Spice of the Gaming Life
Some games are more physical than mental and some games are a lot more mental than physical. There is ample evidence that mixing it up has the best benefits. Physical games or simple exercise benefits the functioning of all internal organs. Mental games exercise the brain.
How Can a Casino Gamer Organize Gaming for the Most Benefit?
Online casino gaming is one of many ways to play games for fun, entertainment, and overall good health. We suggest setting time for relatively short sessions. You can play as often as you like so there is no reason to play for hours on end as so many people do at land-based casinos.
Next, we have games of chance and games of skill. Slots are by far the most popular game of chance. We carry over 200 great slots so we recommend playing all of them over time. This will stimulate the brain as it is exposed to slots themes that run from olden times to modern times and far beyond.
We have several other games of chance. Banana Jones is a takeoff on the famous kids’ game Chutes and Ladders and a spoof of the Indiana Jones movies. This is a super fun game that will get your imagination going.
Blackjack and video poker are the top games of skill. The return-to-player rate in these games is about 99.5% if you play every hand correctly. A happy balance between games of chance and games of skill will stimulate your brain and entertain you at the same time.
The next step in letting gaming keep you alert, mentally spry, and healthy is to have many other fun activities that you enjoy doing. Set aside some time for every activity you like.
Everygame Casino Red is a Great Place to Have Healthy Fun
One of the great benefits of a good and reputable online casino is that we have over 300 stimulating games. You can play here for 30 or so minutes several times a week and reap the benefits of playing fun and entertaining games.