happy gamer playing on a mobile device

What Makes the Great Growth in Mobile Gaming So Significant?

Mobile gaming was once the Wild West of gaming.  The graphics for mobile online casino games weren’t all that good and the mobile devices themselves were not all that “smart”.  Almost all gaming at Everygame Casino was done on desktop computers. 

Times certainly have changed!  Who would have thought it possible just a few years ago, but it could be that we have entered a Golden Age in mobile casino gaming.  Except for one thing: mobile technology might still have light years to go before it runs out of innovations.

Mobile Technology Drives Societies

Here is just one simple “proof” that mobile technology may have many more surprises for us.  Do you remember when a telephone was connected to a wall in your house? 

Jump ahead several decades.  Do you remember when mobile phones were called cellular phones, when many people had early generation big, clunky cellular phone, and the phone attached to the wall in your house was your “land line”? 

Now jump ahead about one decade.  Do you remember when people started buying “smartphones”?  Did you notice that a short time ago—very close to yesterday— the term smartphone became simply phone?  So, today your telephone is a mobile device that you carry with you wherever you go!

Let’s look at mobile gaming and why we think that the Golden Age in mobile gaming will continue on for many, many years.

The Convenience of Taking the Casino with You

Online casino gaming is still young enough that many people who play often online began casino gaming at land based casinos.  The contrast between land based casinos and mobile casinos cannot be more dramatically drawn than in the image of a land based casino as a stolid edifice rooted in a single place and limited by its walls while a mobile casino is sleek and is “housed” in a small package that fits in a pocket or pocketbook and is functionally unlimited!

People frequently talk about the convenience of mobile technology in general and mobile gaming but, for all the talk, people still vastly under-estimate its significance.  Marshall McLuhan is famous for saying that the medium is the message.  So, what is the message being conveyed by mobile gaming?

Instant Relaxation

Being able to play an online game at the touch of the screen whenever you have the time and the mood hits you, means that mobile gaming is readily available as a time-out pastime.  When people are getting stressed, they can take out the casino and play a few spins of slots, a few hands of blackjack, or a few hands of video poker.

Here, perspective is a key complement to the easy availability of a mobile casino.  If you bet only money that you can afford as part of your general entertainment budget, then you can take a few minutes to spin for the giant progressive jackpot of your dreams.

It’s a long shot to be sure but how grand would it be to actually win a progressive jackpot during a five minute session in the middle of your busy work day?

You can also take a few minutes to play multi-hand video poker.  Imagine winning a huge sum in just five minutes with a great starting hand in multi-hand video poker.


Getting Used to a Mobile Casino Platform

So many gamers have begun making the mobile platform at Everygame Casino Red their go to gaming platform that we sometimes forget what players go through to accept mobile as their default platform.

This is another side of the convenience of having the casino in your back pocket, as it were.  Players get used to the screen and find it so amenable to gaming that they choose the comfort of their sofa to the less comfortable desktop computer. 

Comfort is one of the major advances of modern society.  The contrast between people who still live without a lot of creature comforts and those who can curl up on a soft, comfortable sofa to paly online casino games is very striking.

The message then is to increase the number of creature comforts people can enjoy!  Mobile gaming is a hint to a vast world of comfort and ease that even the most affluent people in the most affluent societies cannot imagine.  After all, who imagined smartphones thirty years ago?

Gaming Has Nothing to Do with Gambling

Mobile gaming also points to a linguistic development that began some time ago but has these days taken on a greater significance than ever before.  Even though people play online casino games for real money, they don’t have to gamble per se! 

Gaming puts the game at the forefront while gambling puts the potential windfall at the forefront.  State run lotteries are a modern form of gambling since there is no game involved at all and the potential windfalls are analogous to a hurricane rather than to a breeze!

Sports betting involves games but the games are just a conduit for gambling.  Slots can be and should be modest entertainments that you can play at your leisure, alone or with your favorite person.  Curling up together on the sofa or in bed makes mobile gaming a form of romantic interplay whereas sitting in front of a desktop screen was never a source of imminent romantic interaction!

Online Casinos are a Grand Alternative to Land Based Casinos

Make a cost accounting of travelling to a land based casino.  Here are the line items you need to put on your list:

  • Flight or driving cost.
  • Hotel.
  • Car rental.
  • Restaurants.
  • A lot of gambling!
  • Tips.
  • Souvenirs or gifts for the people back home.
  • Shows.

In some cases, you need to double the cost since you are travelling with your partner.

Now contrast these costs with the costs of gaming online.

  • No travel costs.
  • No hotel costs.
  • No car rental costs.
  • No souvenirs or gifts for the people back home.

Take the “savings” and apply them to a real vacation!  Now you can see how online gaming and especially mobile gaming can open up vistas and horizons that were obscured in the past by the walls of the land based casinos you were in!

Of course, a real vacation will have all or most of the line item costs on the list.  The difference is that you’ll be on vacation, not spending your hard-earned vacation time on a land based casino floor!

In a previous article, we spoke about European cities that are excellent destinations even for a winter vacation.  There are so many thousands of excellent vacation destinations around the world!

We urge everyone to experience a few of these thousands of destinations and let their mobile device act as the conduit for all of their online casino gaming!

Everygame Casino has a wonderful modern mobile gaming platform!  We offer an amazing welcome package that is worth up to $5555 in bonuses! 

All aboard!