happy guy playing at Everygame Casino on his laptop sitting on the floor with a red background

How Does Online Gaming Help Keep Gamers Mentally and Physically Healthy?

These days so many people are hunkered down at home.  As an online casino, Everygame Casino is still open for gaming as opposed to land based casinos which are closing for the duration of the crisis.  Everygame Casino is known as the sign up bonus casino as we will detail a bit later.  At this point, we would like to talk about the health benefits of online casino gaming.

Strong in Mind Strong in Body

Perhaps it may seem odd that we talk about online casino gaming as a way to stay mentally and physically healthy.  There are two inter-related themes in this idea.  The first is that casino gaming should always be a fun activity above all else.  The second is that when you play casino games online, you are in a lot better control of your gaming.  Control is the essence of responsible gaming and responsible gaming is the essence of having fun while playing our games.

Let’s look at these points more closely.

And We’ll Have Fun, Fun, Fun

There is a great deal of evidence that simply smiling has positive effects on our overall health.  Smiling, laughing, and looking on the bright side have a curative effect on many people’s ills!  Take the amazing response of the people of Italy to the coronavirus that has taken such a large toll in that country.

The Italian people know how to enjoy themselves even in times of trouble.  They have taken to their balconies and rooftops to sing to each other and to the world at large.  The message is that staying positive leads to positive results.  The Italian people will come out of the crisis mentally stronger and more united.

Online Gaming Has a Small Yet Important Place in Keeping us Healthy

Online gaming is but a small ripple in the sea of activities we can do to stay emotionally stable and positive.  Even as a small ripple in this vast ocean, gaming has its place.  People like casino games.  People also like to place small wagers on the outcomes of casino games.

Responsible Gaming Turns Gambling into Gaming

If you are a true high roller and can afford to wager large amounts of money on games, then maybe, just maybe it’s okay to do so.  Even then we might say that very large betting can get out of hand even for the very wealthy.  So, always make sure that you bet what you can afford to bet and not a penny more!

By doing so, you will naturally come to see online gaming as a fun pastime, as a form of entertainment no different than paying for a streaming service, a fine meal in a top restaurant, concert tickets to a fantastic show or a family trip to a very expensive amusement park.


Another aspect of online gaming that makes it more fun than gambling at a land based casino is the return to player rate.  Online casinos have much lower overhead than do land based casinos.  Think about the cost of maintaining the building that houses the casino, the hotel, restaurants, pubs, and a theater!  The net result of these massive costs is that the return to player rate at land based casinos is substantially lower than at online casinos.

At Everygame Casino, we offer gaming as a diversion from gamers’ workaday responsibilities and activities.  People who travel (travelled, for the time being) to land based casinos incur large costs at the outset.  Online gamers do not incur these costs.

The combination of the lower return to player rates at land based casinos with the extra costs of gambling at a land based casino has the effect of putting land based casino gamblers under more stress than it is healthy to endure.   The opposite side of this coin is that it is healthier both mentally and physically to play online casino games.

Setting Reasonable Time and Money Limits on Gaming

If you want to go to a concert and the tickets are just too expensive, most people will reluctantly say “oh, well”.  Some will save for a year just to be able to buy those expensive tickets.  Saving for a year might mean eating out less often, taking less expensive weekend trips, buying used instead of new books and many other ways to save money.

The key is that when we are in charge of our own decisions we are in a lot better control of those decisions.  Setting a reasonable monetary budget for gaming is much easier for online gamers than for land based casino gamers.

At a land based casino, people come for an excursion of a few days, perhaps a long weekend.  The entire purpose of this excursion is to gamble.  People at land based casinos will automatically be willing to gamble more money than they would if they knew that they were playing for a half hour a couple of time a week!

Furthermore, people at land based casinos are willing to gamble for much longer stretches of time!  The casinos help them stay on the casino floor by having no clocks or windows so players lose track of the time of day and even whether it is day or night! 

The casinos also ply players with free alcohol.  Most people like to drink so they stay on the casino floor and drink.  It is well known that even one stiff alcoholic drink will result in gamblers making poor decisions and losing more money!

Being in Control is a Big Factor in Staying Happy

This is a simple truism.  When we fall ill, we lose control of our health to some degree.  We feel bad physically and emotionally.  If we can laugh and smile and see ourselves regaining good health, we will recover faster and stay happy during the ordeal.

Gaming is but one way to stay happy and being in the greatest possible control is a major part of being happy.

I Will Not Give up My Seat!

Everyone who works in a sedentary job knows that they have to stand up, stretch, and walk around at least once every thirty minutes or so.  At land based casinos, some people sit in their chair, playing the same game for hours on end simply because they refuse to give up their seat!

At Everygame Casino Red, there are no seats!  That means that gamers can and do stand up and stretch frequently.  Gamers gain so much in good vibes by doing so and that leads to greater joy in gaming, greater happiness, and greater mental and physical health.

Benefits of Joining Everygame Casino

We said at the beginning of this blog that there is a god reason why Everygame is known as the sign up bonus casino.  Here is the reason why.  At Everygame Casino, new players can take advantage of four deposit bonuses and a no deposit bonus to get up to $5555 in bonus money!  Combining such a large amount of bonus money with fun gaming is a great prescription for enjoying online gaming to the utmost!

We urge all new gamers to join now!  Veteran gamers at Everygame Casino have been enjoying our vast collection of games for two decades!  Become a member of the Everygame Casino family.  We are sure that you will find online gaming to your liking and that will put a very big smile on your face!