person checking ads for job opportunities on his tablet

Everygame Casino Looks at a Few Under-the radar Jobs of the Future

There is news that because so many people are in quarantine at home that online gaming is experiencing a boom in players.  This is not how we at Everygame Casino wanted to add to our long list of gamers.  We prefer to attract gamers with our many Everygame Casino promotions and to be known as the best online casino no deposit bonus keep what you winoperating in cyberspace!

However, we do welcome all new gamers and here we will quickly go over the Welcome Package for new gamers which does include a no deposit bonus.

You Can Make the Most of Up To $5555 in New Player Bonuses

The set of deposit bonuses includes four deposit bonuses and finishes with a no deposit bonus.  Here are the details:

  • Your first deposit carries a 125% bonus for up to $1000.
  • The next deposit has a 150% bonus good for up to $1500.
  • Next you get a deposit bonus of 125% up to $1000.
  • Finally, the fourth deposit has a 150% bonus good for up to $2000.
  • The no deposit bonus of $55 rounds out the entire Welcome Package.

How to Make the Most of Your Coronavirus Free Time

In addition to gaming at Everygame Casino, reading a good book, listening to the great classics of music in all genres, baking a gooey delicacy from scratch following a recipe to the letter, or binge-watching television series or movies, the extra free time you might have, now that so many people are restricted to their homes, may also be a fine time to reassess your priorities.

Here are some jobs that many people can retrain for no matter their age.  These jobs will be in greater demand as the viral epidemic comes to its inevitable and ignominious end.

Dental Assistants

There are two main reasons why dental assistants will be in much greater demand than they have been up to now.  First, the society is getting more affluent.  Countries that were truly still deep in the third world are emerging and along with that is a greater desire for dental work.

It might not seem that the economy of individual countries or the world at large will recover from the coronavirus crisis but the downturn is entirely superficial.  Established economies will roar back when they get the green light and many other economies will follow in their wake.

Good times are ahead and the very not romantic job of dental assistant will be in high demand.

Another factor indicating that this job is on the rise is that dental work is relatively expensive.  Affluence, as we said above, will provide some of the money for expensive dental work but many more people will have insurance that covers a large portion of the cost of dental work.

Car Mechanics

Affluence will result in more cars being bought.  The number of used cars will also rise and there will be much greater need for good, knowledgeable, and honest car mechanics.

Most cities, and even small towns, have a mechanic whose shop is sparkling clean and who is fair and honest in his or her assessment of the cars people bring them and another mechanic whose shop is greasy and a lot less attractive in every possible way.

People will pay a little extra to be able to bring their car to a reputable mechanic.


House Painters

This is another job that affluence will influence.  In addition, as more people set up a household on their own or with one other person, there will be a lot more homes to paint.  Once again, people are always looking for a person who does excellent work.  A really good house painter in a city or sizable town will never be without work.


Mechanization has reduced the farm population by very large measures since 1900.  The farmers who are left are highly specialized in many areas of animal husbandry and horticulture.  Many young people who grew up on farms will leave the farms for jobs in the big cities.  That will leave farming as a viable option for young people who never farmed a day in their lives.

Organic Farmer

Farming is breaking down into specializations and organic farming is one of them.  Organic farming is the leading edge of the movement to improve health and stay healthy by design rather than by luck.

There is a great line in the Woody Allen movie “Sleeper” in which the main character awakens after centuries “asleep” and is told that all of the people he knew once have long since died.  His response is, “But they all ate organic.” 

Eating organic doesn’t mean we live forever; it means that we live longer and better with much better health for a longer period of time.  Organic farming is a true science and such farmers will be in high demand in the near future.


This is another job that will be in bigger demand in the future.  Supermarkets will also continue to grow in size and number but the local grocer may be the person who markets the smaller production from local farmers.  Think of locally produced cheese that the dairy can’t place in a supermarket.

The organic farmer with just a few acres may not be able to get her tomatoes in a supermarket so she will have to rely on the continued economic viability of her local grocer.


Before there were manufactured medications, before the advent of the large pharmaceutical companies, before doctors prescribed medicines that the patient received from a pharmacy, there were people who understood the many benefits of hundreds of herbs.

The author of the book Sugar Blues describes how these people, primarily women, were condemned as witches once the medical profession became a type of standardized big business.

These days, people are looking at alternative ways to look at many things they do or eat.  One of the popular new “fads” is herbalism.  As people became more aware that the “expensive” medical cure might not be so expensive when administered by an herbalist, the job of herbalist will grow in importance.

Store Interior Designer

The trend is toward bigger stores.  The danger in big stores is that they may all start to look the same.  In the United States, there was a trend to build multi-purpose sports stadiums for both American football and baseball.  These were sterile places to watch sports and many lasted just a few decades before they were torn down and replaced by stadiums that were not all cut from the same mold.

Big box stores need to answer the same questions every store and even every homemaker has to answer:  what impression do I want to make at the entrance to the store?

Designing a big store will likely become an unsung but vital skill in the near future.


We saved this one for last because it is actually the most counter-intuitive job of the future.  We live in an age of specialization.  Even looking at the other jobs listed here, we see a lot of specialization.

However, a person who knows how to do a lot of little jobs and doesn’t charge an arm and a leg for a job well done and is on a first name basis with everyone in town will become someone in demand as people look for real people they can relate to on an individual level at a time when a simple phone call to a company often requires the caller to go through many layers of recorded red tape!

Wishing Good Health to All

We, at Everygame Casino Red, are well aware that the present crisis is not yet resolved.  We sincerely pray that everyone who has fallen ill recovers quickly, that everyone who has been exposed to the virus stays healthy, and that we can all look forward to a bright future that involves far less worrying and far more gaming.